Terms of Use

This Reach.Green website is provided as a service to visitors. ReachGreen (ReachGreen is a trademark of Soecorp Canada Inc.) reserves the right to modify, add, or remove any information or element of this site at any time and for any reason.

Copyright and Rights

All texts on the site, logos, concepts, graphics, images, sounds, information, documents and others (hereinafter referred to as "elements"), as well as the selection, arrangement and display thereof, remain the exclusive property of ReachGreen and/or its clients and suppliers and are protected by the Copyright Act.ReachGreen hereby authorizes you to view, copy, download and print the documents that are available on this site on the express condition that these documents are used only for personal, non-commercial purposes; that they are not modified or redistributed; and that any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary notice is reproduced as it appears in these documents. Anyone wishing to obtain permission to use elements protected by the Act, trademarks or service marks must imperatively request it.


ReachGreen will make every effort to provide accurate information on this website, but cannot guarantee that the information provided is error-free, up-to-date, accurate or complete. Any information provided on this site is provided "as is". In this respect, ReachGreen disclaims any warranty, express or implied, in relation thereto. Under no circumstances will ReachGreen, its directors, employees, agents, vendors or suppliers be liable, directly or indirectly, for any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, special or other damages: loss of data, revenue or profits; loss or damage to property or third party claims arising from or in connection with the use of this website and its content or any other website accessible by hyperlink.

Third Party Website Links

Any comments, reactions, information or elements submitted to ReachGreen, through or in connection with this website, will be considered non-confidential. By submitting comments, reactions, information or elements to ReachGreen, you acknowledge that ReachGreen is free to use the content of any communication, without restriction and without any obligation to compensate you. ReachGreen does not accept unsolicited ideas, work or elements. In these circumstances, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the risk incurred in the use that may be made of any idea, work or element so distributed by you.


ReachGreen is committed to protecting your personal data and your privacy. We only use the information you provide us with to fulfill your requests and communicate with you. The personal and confidential data that you entrust to us, by defining your profile and requesting content on our site are exclusively intended to facilitate your visit, deliver the requested content and communicate with you.

Email Privacy Notice

Email messages may contain privileged or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of a communication or if you receive one in error, please notify the sender and destroy the message without copying or disclosing its contents.

Use of Requested Information

In order to deliver the requested content (document, newsletters, etc.) and to constantly improve it, we need some information about you. Your name and phone number are necessary to contact you in case of a problem with the delivery of the requested content and also for promotional purposes by ReachGreen only. Your email address is essential for the delivery of the content on this site and for promotional purposes if your explicit permission has been granted to us. We keep this information in order to allow you to reuse it, without time limitation, to request content on our site. We also use this data to improve the presentation and organization of ReachGreen.ca, mainly your company and your industry, to inspire us for the creation of new contents or for its personalization. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter or our promotions and information, simply unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in the monthly mailing.


Cookies, commonly known as cookies, are information that an http/https server saves on your computer's hard drive or your mobile to identify you. Our cookies do not contain confidential information, but simply a number that only allows ReachGreen to identify you and suggest content that may be of interest to you and make your visit more enjoyable and user-friendly. Most browsers automatically accept cookies.

Protecting Your Confidential Data

ReachGreen retains personal data for a reasonable period of time, whether to allow you adequate access to websites, to fully respond to your requests, to achieve the stated objectives or to comply with legal requirements, whichever is longer.Only the relevant staff members have access to the data when necessary to perform their service-related tasks and in accordance with the objectives set out in this privacy policy, subject to the following.We never share your personal data with third parties outside of ReachGreen without your consent. We observe strict security measures in the archiving and disclosure of the information you have provided to us, in order to prevent any unauthorized access. As a result, we may ask you to prove your identity again before providing you with confidential information or modifying it at your request.

Transferring Your Contact Information to Third Parties

ReachGreen, guaranteeing you the utmost confidentiality, undertakes not to disclose or market to third parties any information whatsoever concerning you, except under legal constraint (by testimony in court, interrogation, request for documents, subpoena, request for a civil investigation or other similar procedure following an order from a competent court, or in order to comply with the applicable conditions imposed by a government agency or other regulatory authority, or other legal obligations).

Contacting the Privacy Officer

This policy sets out our procedures for collecting and processing your personal data. We have included details on how we protect your privacy and your rights relating to your personal data. ReachGreen reserves the right to modify its privacy policy at any time. In this case, it will notify all persons concerned.At any time, you can consult, modify or request the removal of all your confidential data. Do not hesitate to contact our privacy officer.

Privacy Officer
